Top 9 US Military Helicopters that Made History

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When one thinks of the military might that big nations stand on, rarely do they consider the parts that helicopters contribute. These crafts are overshadowed by weaponry like ballistic missiles, fighter jets, tanks etc. even when without them Western forces would not be occupying the positions that they do today.

This article then digs into the top 9 US military helicopters that made history explaining the difficulties that they had to surmount to bring home the victories that they did. The events described include among others, delivering food, rescuing stranded soldiers, blowing up enemy territory etc.

Whether you were looking to be inspired or were skeptical about what these military fighters have accomplished thus far, the details shared will cause you to respect them some more.

And by the way, the uniqueness of helicopters written about in here should not be waived off as past as it still comes in handy even in modern context.

It is still the case for instance, that they are cost effective when it comes to small but dangerous ventures as well as the fact that they can easily go to areas that are hard to go to.


List Of US Military Helicopters That Made History

1. Bell UH-1 Huey

Bell UH-1 Huey is one of the top US military helicopters that made history. Initially, rolled out for tests, the UH-1 quickly impressed US Army officials that they decided to deploy it in the Vietnam War. Whilst in the field, its roles were multi-purpose ranging from rescue missions, to delivering cargo, carrying out hunter-killer operations, etc.

For each of these roles, the UH-1 had capabilities that made it suitable. Regarding dropping soldiers into battlefield for instance, it carried at least 10 men/women in uniform for whom it safeguarded by supporting guns mounted on its windows for the purpose of taking out any anti-craft fire. As for going on the offensive, its large cockpit helped with clear observation.

Photo: US Air Force

When James P. Fleming was awarded a medal of honor thus, it was in part due to the capacities of the craft he was flying whose name you can guess.

This helicopter was notorious enough that Vietnamese veterans that survived the war reported associating its sound with horror. No wonder the US ensured for a series of upgrades for the time that the war lasted and afterwards.

Many years after, this plane is still operational both in the United States army as well as elsewhere.


2. Sikorsky SH-3 Sea King

Developed jointly by the United Kingdom, Japan, and Italy the Sea King is popular in the US because of its history. Many were purchased at the height of the Cold War in response to USSR’s drive of building more than 200 submarines that subsequently became a nightmare for the American government.

The SH-3 Sea King’s strength lied in the fact that it could fly low onto the top of water and then carryout detection thanks to its torpedoes, dipping sonar, magnetic anomaly detector etc.

For this, it would become the most popular anti-submarine warfare helicopter of the 20th century.

Photo: US Air Force | Wikimedia Commons

In modern America, a modified version of the Sea King came to be associated with the seat of the Presidency i.e. it was the helicopter that sitting Presidents fly when they decide not to travel with Airforce One.

In this instance, the Sea King has further armor and the inside of it hosts among other things, an office. The name changes too to “Marine One”.

Unfortunately, problems emerged between the US military and the parent company of the craft which in turn led to the retiring of the SH-3. Countries like Spain, Iran, and Brazil however, continue to use it.


3. Boeing CH-47 Chinook

The Chinook is another plane that was deployed in Vietnam and is still in existence. In fact, it is predicted that it will continue to operate past 100 years from when it was incepted thanks to its capabilities that boggle the mind. In Vietnam, CH-47 helicopters are said to have carried back home at least 350 crafts that had been gunned down thereby saving the country billions.

Its lifting capacities are at 24,000 pounds load underslung and 20,000 pounds when the cargo is on the inside. In terms of people, it carries fifty five men.

This performance owes in part to the fact that the craft has no tail rotor thus all the energy that its engines generate is put to good use.

By Sgt. Steven Galimore – US Army, CC0

One of its famous capacities is the so-called pinnacle maneuver in which only her rare wheels touch a cliff while the rest of its body remains holding firm without having to be supported by anything as it waits on soldiers to jump in.

The Chinook is able to lower into water too and then open its doors for some of the liquid to get in so as to smoothly allow entry of a boat it intends to transport. This move is nicknamed Delta Queen Maneuver.

This copter was widely used in Afghanistan. It was one of the planes that flew US citizens and allies away from Kabul upon the retaking of the city by the Taliban in 2021.


4. Sikorsky CH-53 Stallion

This helicopter is the biggest there is in the USA army fleet. It can carry up to 14,000 pounds capacity of load. In its recent upgrades, this weight has been increased to 32,000 pounds. For context, 32,000 pounds is approximately four grown up elephants.

By Sgt. Seth Starr –

The Stallion is therefore often employed to transport military cargo. This includes other helicopters, armor, trucks etc. The ability to uplift these loads is enabled by its twin engines. The CH-53k now has three engines.

This copter is also well equipped for minesweeping too. Again, it goes back to its ability to carry heavy stuff in this case hover around water with a suspended sled. Moreover, because the helicopter in itself is not in direct contact with the waters in this instance, it is a safer option for the personnel operating it rather than if the job was to be done by say, a ship.


5. Bell AH-1 Cobra

This is the first helicopter in the world that was constructed to majorly carry out attacks and it mainly gained prominence in Vietnam. Given this intention, its fuselage is narrow and it is not that strong to carry any cargo.

On the upside, this size limited its exposure to enemy fire and gave the AH-1 all the necessary flexibility when in action.

Conveniently, the plane’s nose was relatively large so it would be usually fitted with an automatic grenade launcher or a mini-gun from time to time. It is these features that pilots aboard the cobra would use to provide cover for soldiers under fire, hit enemy hideouts, as well as serve as backup.

Photo: US Marines

The Cobras were so important that across the 4 years of fighting, at least 1,000 of them were produced.

After Vietnam, the US deployed this helicopter in other overseas missions not least, Somalia in 1994 and Haiti the following year. Other countries that have employed this craft are Israel, Turkey, and Taiwan.

The US did eventually phase out the AH-1 in 1999 but its legacy lives on in the AH-12 Viper whose workings are overseen by the marines. Israel no longer uses the Cobra either.


6. Sikorsky UH-60 Blackhawk

The best way to think about this helicopter is that it is an upgrade of the UH-1 Huey inspired by her success in Vietnam. While aiming to serve a similar purpose, the objective is to do it better i.e. with more advanced technology and bigger operation room.

Appearing first in 1973, the Blackhawk has an internal payload of 2,600 pounds and 9,000 pounds externally. In terms of people, it accommodates 12 of them on the inside.

By U.S. Army

There are a couple of Blackhawk variations too, the idea being to make them better suited for deployment. The SH-60 thus has a sophisticated radar that it can use to scheme for submarines. It also carries anti-ship weaponry just in case the need to take out an advancing enemy vessel arises.

And then there is the “Stealth Hawk” most famously known for her Operation Neptune Spear performance.

The popularity of the UH-60 Blackhawk continues such that at least twenty other countries have bought it. That said, there has been a couple of scenes that brought this helicopter bad press including when two of them crashed after being shot at in Mogadishu in 1993.


7. Boeing AH-64 Apache

This helicopter was built to serve the purpose that was previously left of the AH-1 and as it stands, it is the most sophisticated in the lineup of the US military. It is so good to the extent that if well planned, it can carry out what are often referred to as “deep attacks”.

The idea is that because of their build, Boeing AH-64 Apaches can cross into territory controlled by an adversary, quickly drop fire and then return to safety.

The AH-64 Apache has a 30mm cannon that fires at 300 rounds per minute under its nose, a self-sealing fuel tank (to prevent leakage when it is hit), and a longbow radar that helps with taking out assault from behind.

By “Photo Courtesy of U.S. Army” – by Tech. Sgt. Andy Dunaway

Moreover, this plane is built to withstand 23mm anti-craft weaponry and it can be fitted with stinger missiles as well. This carrier has 16 hellfire missiles too whose firing is guided by laser to hit targets as far off as 5 miles away. Clearly, this is not a machine you want to go against.

The United States has employed this craft in some of the most recent wars including in Iraq.


8. Bell V-22 Osprey

Before we get into the technicalities, the Bell V-22 Osprey is a joy to look at to begin with. Seen when taking off, it looks like it has side propellers and when it gets in the air, it becomes a twin propeller.

Manufactured in 1989, the V-22 has become especially notorious because of its speed as it can operate twice as fast as her counterparts.

Photo: US Army

This gives it the propensity to quickly fly through enemy territory, transport soldiers that have been badly wounded for treatment, deliver urgent relief aid etc.

The United States has been so found of this craft that it has ordered hundreds of them up to this point. Japan became the first foreign country to purchase the Bell V-22. Starting this year, the said copters are to be deployed at Saga Airport in defense of the Nansei Islands.


9. Sikorsky R-4B

The plane which is also referred to as the “Egg-Beater” is famous for being the very first helicopter to be employed in a combat scenario. This was towards the end of WWII when it rescued an American pilot that had been taken down and three wounded soldiers in the Burmese jungle.

Impressed by the mission, the day’s commanding officer wrote “the ‘egg-beater’ went into action and the damn thing acted like it had good sense.”

More than anything however, the legacy of R-4B is that of showing what more could be achieved in rescue missions where helicopters are employed.

Photo: US Air Force | Wikimedia Commons

The experience in 1994 for example was the fact that the craft had been too small as it had to fly only two people at a time. It was equally difficult to fly because its wooden blades meant that it vibrated excessively.

Another key role that the “Egg-Beater” was known for is flying ship parts to help aid in the repair of water vessels that would have taken a hit.


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