oldest airlines in the world

Top 10 Oldest Airlines in the World Still Operating Today in 2025

We all recall the Covid-19 crisis and what it did to the airplane industry with some airlines sinking never to return to life ever again. Well, there are many such events in history that took with them other carriers including wars, economic contractions, change of governments etc.

All of this owes to the fact that flying is a business that takes a lot to get going which often means that missing out even on one factor can be disastrous. And yet, there are a number of incredible brands that have nonetheless managed to balance their equations for decades upon decades.

Today, we will look at 13 of the oldest airlines in the world from across the globe. We will learn about the days of their inception, the genesis of their businesses, and the stages of development they went through among other things that still make them tick.


13 Oldest Airlines in the World Still Operating Today

1. British Airways

british airways

If we are going to go by the company story, then British Airways (BA) is the oldest airline in the world founded in 1919. There is a catch though because BA as we know it did not come into existence until 1974.

This followed a merger of four distinct entities; British Overseas Airways Corporation, Cambrian Airways, Northeast Airlines, and British European Airways. What existed in 1919, was in fact Aircraft Transport and Travel Limited.

That as it may, the 1919 moment is important not just for BA but commercial aviation in general as it is then that the first passenger international flight ever (London to Paris) was scheduled. Other incredible milestones for the air company include the fact that it was one of the few to ever operate a Concorde Supersonic which was a leading craft of her time as well as the 1987 privatization by Margaret Thatcher.

BA is presently headquartered in London with a total fleet of just over 300. The company flies to at least 80 countries with the total number of destinations being about 220.


2. KLM


KLM’s full name is less known, Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij. It was established in 1919, thanks to the fact that at the time, Netherlands was one of the leading mercantile economies.

Its very first flight happened the next year however, when De Havilland DH.16 a seater of four people flew to London.

In her first year, KLM transported 440 passengers a number that has since grown to 30 million showing the real progress of this airline. In the years in between, the company also came to be known for its leadership in innovation not least because it opened the world’s first reservation and tickets office.

In modern day, this achievement was modified in yet another remarkable achievement for KLM when it became the first air transport company to have a social media-driven schedule.

Today, KLM is headquartered in Amstelveen, operates over 100 planes, and travels to at least 164 destinations.


3. Avianca


Still remaining the biggest airplane in its home country of Colombia, Avianca nearly became the first flight company in the world having been founded in the same year as KLM and BA with the difference being months.

On its founding, it had the objective of connecting Colombia both internally and to the rest of the world and it initially achieved this by employing a fleet of mainly seaplanes as a countermeasure to the poor ground infrastructure.

The company has come close to collapse several times across the years including when in the 1930s America became worried of the possible security threat that Avianca’s Germany origins meant for the global power. A compromise was arrived at and so Pan American World Airways purchased a controlling stake in the company.

Avianca’s original name was Sociedad Colombo-Alemana de Transportes Aéreos, it was changed upon merging with another Colombian airline Servicio Aéreo Colombiano. Today, it is headquartered in Bogota.


4. Qantas


Most notoriously known for its flying Kangaroo logo, Qantas is in fact written in full as Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services. The company was established in 1920 and like her name suggests, the main goal at the time was a humble one i.e. connecting the northern part of the country. This was mostly done through delivering mails (I mean, the first plane Avro 504, could only fly one passenger and a pilot).

Across the years, Qantas’ business did increase in importance including when during World War II it played a key role in maintaining communication with Great Britain in what was dubbed the Double Sunrise service.

Today, Qantas is Australia’s major carrier traveling to over 100 routes more than half of which are domestic. Its headquarters are found in Sydney, Australia. The airline operates more than 120 planes.


5. Aeroflot


Aeroflot is a Russian based airline that was founded as Dubrolet in 1923. The very first flight it operated was a six-man liner and on that day, it flew four passengers and two crew members from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod.

Aeroflot especially made history following the end of World War II i.e. it became the only means through which travel across the vast Soviet territory happened.

Aeroflot’s fleet also had a total of up to 5,000 aero planes in that era making it the world’s biggest such company. In 1956, it would be credited with operating the first successful civilian jet.

The company underwent a major reinvention following the collapse of the USSR with her carriers being divided between the different new republics formed. In her present form, Aeroflot has her headquarters in Moscow and it operates over 171 airplanes which fly to something like 109 destinations.


6. Czech Airlines

Czech Airlines

Founded in 1923, this airline’s history is rather mixed. Some of her most glorious days followed the end of World War II enabled especially by ties to the then communist government of USSR.

That way, Czech Airlines (CSA) was among other things able to become the first jet only route i.e. Prague to Moscow. These were the days of Tupolev Tu104A.

Also in the 50s though, CSA would become the first air transport company to be hijacked. This was in 1950 when defectors diverted three of her planes to West Germany. In the 70s, CSA would have one of her pilots murdered in another defecting incident.

In the modern day, CSA has continued to struggle. In 2021, it had to declare bankruptcy upon going through tumultuous times that climaxed with the pandemic. A new investor, Prague City Air has now taken over CSA.


7. Finnair


Still operating under the code of her founding name, AY, Finnair is another of the few plane companies in the world that are more than 100 years old.

Across this time, Finnair has certainly been one of the most well managed airlines as testified to by the many records that it has managed to accomplish. For example, it is heralded for helping connect the Fines to Sweden during the Winter and Continuation wars.

The 80s was a particularly remarkable decade for Finnair. In 1983 and 88 thus, it would be the first European company to fly to Japan and China respectively. In 1986, it pioneered the use of satellite calls in flying.

Finnair is headquartered in her country’s capital and it owns at least 80 aero planes. It travels to 100 destinations 14 of which are within Finland and the rest abroad.


8. Delta Air Lines

Delta Air Lines

Delta is the oldest company operating in the United States and this fact has been very instrumental in having it rank among the top airlines anywhere in the world today i.e. USA remains the market with the most successful domestic flight industry.

For context, none of the companies we have talked about above comes anywhere close to Delta’s all-time passengers flown tally (at least 150 million).

Delta’s innovation has also played a vital role in its success not least in 1935 when it introduced the first flight operated by two pilots, because it was moving across the night that is. During the early days of jets, Delta also became the first company to introduce DC-8 jets anywhere in the world (1959).

Delta presently has her headquarters in Atlanta, US and its fleet has at least 1,000 airplanes. It flies to over 59 countries worldwide with a total of 311 destinations.


9. Air Serbia

Air Serbia

The company has its genesis in the former Yugoslavia where it was founded as Aeroput in 1927. In 1948, it would be renamed Jat Airways and then Air Serbia in 2013 when Etihad Airways bought 49% stake in the company.

Though being relatively small in comparison with some of the world’s most successful airlines, Air Serbia’s endurance is testament to its dynamism.

During the Cold war for instance, the company was able to capitalize on her then government’s non-alignment policy to harness both the strengths of Eastern and Western aviation technology. This was particularly the case because it was a national company.

Today, Air Serbia is headquartered in Belgrade and it runs a fleet of 27 planes. It travels to at least 30 countries with more than 82 destinations. From its inception, the company has transported more than 3 million people.


10. Iberia


Iberia is a major carrier in Spain. Like Air Serbia, it was founded in 1927. Initially, it was under the purview of private players though it soon became nationalized. In her early years, it provided postal transportation between the two cities of Madrid and Barcelona.

The 30s placed Iberia at the heart of the Spanish civil war and in fact, it was the nationalists’ view of the company as strategic that helped it to stay afloat.

A decade or so later would see the airline make even further progress when in 1946 it became the first European carrier to fly to South America. This trade route has continued to be lucrative many years after.

Iberia is headquartered in Spain’s capital, Madrid and it travels to fifty countries with a total of approximately 135 destinations. About 40 of these flights are domestic. One of Iberia’s big leap in the recent past, was in when it jointly formed the International Airlines Group with British Airways.


Other Honourable Mentions

11. American Airlines

Founded in 1926, the company has a fleet of 1,000 planes.

12. LOT Polish Airlines

Founded in 1929, LOT has a fleet of 86 planes, and it travels to over 100 places.

13. Hawaiian

Founded in 1929, Hawaiian at least has 70 aero planes and travels to 30 locations.

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